ロジーナ・レヴィーン:生き続ける強さを見つける『ロンドン・コーリング/Nomad Lifeを生きる』

ロシアのユダヤ系ピアニストで著名な教師であったロジーナ・レヴィーン  (1880-

1976 ) のアスペン音楽祭(1967年)でのスピーチより。


Mme. Rosina Lhevinne ( 1880 - 1976 )speaking at the 20th anniversary of the Aspen Music Festival, 1969


My life at the Moscow Conservatory taught me to equip with knowledge and craftsmanship before going out to conquer the world. My life with Mr. Lhevinne taught me not to conquer the world by force, but to discover the world through study, kindness, imagination, and though the integrity of your own quest.

Finally, in my new life of twenty-five years alone, I have found that despite the obstacles which face you, despite how small and worthless you may seem to yourself - that you can find the strength to continue, and try to make the world more beautiful place.

We who are in the field of music have a special responsibility in the quest for humanity.

For music is the one universal language.

It is the one language which can transcend those boundaries by which men continue to divide themselves.






